
Monday, June 10, 2013

Ready or Not, The Day Will Come.

Hello everyone! I need to get this off my chest already, ever since my soon to be husband told me that he is going to join the Air Force as well as how long he would have to be away I've been doing a lot of research. The process of moving, housing and etc. seems so stressful, its stressful just to think about it! I am little scared of moving away from home but I also really love traveling so i am excited as well. i don't know if it's just me but i love watching homecomings on TV and YouTube, it also makes me really sad knowing that day will come for me. My daughter and i are so used to always having him with us so BMT will be the hardest thing for us since we have a child, having no contact for weeks is really going to suck but we have a strong support system and I'm sure we will get through it. In the mean time I will be going back to college in September majoring in Physical Education and coaching, i can not wait to go back to school surprisingly but it will definitely keep me occupied and so will my one year old lol. I would love to hear how other Military wives dealt with this first separation and their moving process.

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